How to Prepare for a Telephone Interview

How to Prepare for a Telephone Interview

Updated 13 March 2021

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Although a telephone interview is relatively straightforward, even highly capable candidates can be rejected at this early interview stage if they are inadequately prepared or not used to speaking in a professional manner over the phone. For many candidates, the whole situation can feel unnatural - without eye contact it can be difficult to build rapport and display a strong personality with your interviewer.


Practice is useful, especially if you haven't worked in an office or used a telephone to talk to clients in previous jobs. If you can, try getting friends or family members to call you and ask interview questions. Candidates who don't think they'll have any trouble with this style of assessment are often the ones that have difficulties.


It is important to find out as much as you possibly can about a company, and a job role, before any type of interview; a telephone interview is no exception. You may receive some information from your prospective employer, but make sure you also visit their website, competitor websites, read relevant trade press and keep aware of current industry specific commercial awareness issues. Be aware of the size of a company, its structure, its products and services, its markets, competitors and future plans.


Plan for possible questions you may be asked before your interview. Consider answers you can give, including good experience examples for competency based questions. Also spend time thinking up questions you would like to ask your interviewer. Asking your own questions shows you are interested in the company and job role. For example, ask questions that are relevant to you, but not questions that it would be easy to find out the answers to with a little research on a company website, during your telephone interview.

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