TBWA Graduate Scheme Interview Process

TBWA Graduate Scheme Interview Process

Updated 13 March 2021

The TBWA Account Management graduate scheme interview process is a one and a half-hour session/assessment.

You'll be interviewed by one interviewer for 30 minutes, then by another interviewer for a further 30 minutes, and finally by both for 30 minutes.

Expect to be asked industry-specific questions such as:

  • What is your least favourite advert, and why?
  • What is your favourite advert and why?
  • Why have you chosen advertising as a career?
  • What will you do if you don’t get into advertising?
  • Why have you applied to/what do you like about TBWA?
  • Where else have you applied?

Other questions will probably be competency-based or CV/application based, such as:

  • Think of a situation when you have had to bring other people around to your viewpoint.
  • What experience of teamwork/leadership do you have/give me an example of a time when you have shown leadership?
  • Why do you think we should employ you?

There is only one exercise/presentation during the assessment which requires you to work in collaboration with another (and only one other) candidate. As a pair, you will have to pick an advert concept (from a selection of five provided) and with your partner ‘pitch’ this idea to a "client" (played by the interviewer).

  • If you have further information about the TBWA interview process, please help others by adding to this wiki.