Standard Life Interview Questions

Standard Life Interview Questions

Updated 13 March 2021

The Standard Life application process consists of:

  • Application form
  • Online numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning tests.
  • Criterion based interview
  • Gallup interview
  • Occupational testing

Criterion Based Interview

In the criterion-based telephone interview you will be asked three questions. Try to tie in all your answers with an example of when you were leading or part of a team.

As always smile, relax and take your time!

Example Questions:

  • "Why Standard Life?"
  • "Tell me about a time when you had to take some challenging criticism and how you responded to it"

Gallup Interview

The Gallup interview is a special kind of interviewing technique designed to determine what makes a successful candidate.

This interview is different from a competency-based interview and is conducted as a telephone interview.

Note: This is no longer used.

Occupational Testing

Occupational testing consists of numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning and comprehension tests.