SJ Berwin Training Contract Interview Questions

SJ Berwin Training Contract Interview Questions

Updated 13 March 2021

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The interview process at SJ Berwin consists of:

  • Online application
  • First round interview

First Round Interview

The first round interview at SJ Berwin is fairly informal. You will be interviewed by a member of the HR team and an associate from the firm. Your interviewers will discuss your application and CV, so make sure you know these well and have read through them before your interview.

During this interview it is likely you will be asked about:

  • Your university
  • Why you chose to study the degree you did
  • Why you want to do law
  • Why you have applied to SJ Berwin

You may also be asked several competency-based questions.

Your interviewers will not focus too heavily on commercial issues during this first interview. You will mainly be asked about your application, yourself and your experiences. The interview will last for approximately one hour.

Second Round Interview

The second round interview will consist of:

Case Study / Presentation

You will be given 20 minutes to read through some information and put together a short presentation before your interview begins. This case study will probably involve an imaginary SJ Berwin client who have come to the firm for legal advice.

You should present clearly, coherently and with confidence. Your presentation should end with what is in your opinion, the advice SJ Berwin should give the imaginary client.

Partner Interview

You will be interviewed by two partners at SJ Berwin. The interview will start with you delivering your case study presentation and answering any questions the partners may have following this.

The rest of the interview is a more prolonged and slightly more taxing version of the first round interview. You will be asked more probing questions about why you want a career in law and why you would be good as a lawyer. You will also be asked about your application and CV and you may be asked further competency-based questions.

You will also be asked about commercial issues, and specifically any issues you may have discussed on your application. You should also prepare to talk about other commercial issues, as it is quite likely the partners interviewing you will ask you to discuss another recent commercial/legal issue.