Hewlett Packard (HP) Interview Questions

Hewlett Packard (HP) Interview Questions

Updated 13 March 2021

The application and assessment process at HP is as follows:

Online Application

When you apply online it is mandatory to complete all the online questions before attaching your CV. These are used for an initial screen and creating a profile for you. If these are not completed, your application will be returned and you will be asked to re-submit a completed application. Due to the volume of applications received, you will only be notified if you have been successful at this stage.

The deadline for online applications for the HP Graduate Programme is usually the end of January each year, although the company strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible. They receive a large number of applications and review these in chronological order.

Telephone Interview

HP arrange a first stage competency-based telephone interview to determine whether you have the general skills and competencies the company are looking for.

Successful interviewees will be contacted by telephone or email.

Assessment Centre

The HP assessment day consists of:

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of the assessment centre by phone or email within 48 hours of the day. Those who are unsuccessful have the option of receiving constructive feedback on their performance.

Final Interview

In some instances, candidates may be invited back for a final face to face interview with HP, which will focus on the programme you applied for and your career interests.

HP is looking for candidates who exhibit initiative, problem-solving capabilities, good interpersonal skills, leadership potential and a good knowledge of the firm.

HP is also looking for evidence of creativity, a sense of humour, enthusiasm for change, passion for IT (commitment to career), independent drive and candidates who are customer-focused.

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