Hogan Lovells Interview Questions

Hogan Lovells Interview Questions

Updated 13 March 2021

The Training Contract interview procedure at Hogan Lovells is as follows:

Assessment Day

The assessment day lasts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

It consists of:

Psychometric Test

You will be given a 20-minute Watson Glaser psychometric reasoning test. Hogan Lovells will send you a practice test to prepare with before your assessment day.

Group Exercise

You will have a 40-minute group commercial exercise, based on a scenario involving a supermarket looking to expand and diversify.

You will be given 20 minutes to read the proposed scenario and must then discuss a series of questions as a group, about how you think the supermarket should expand (merger or strategic alliance), how to finance the expansion (debt or issuing shares) and various other non-legal questions.


Over lunch, applicants meet up with current trainee solicitors for an informal (unassessed) chat.


During the day you will have a one-to-one interview with a partner or associate. This will last about 45 to 60 minutes.

In the past, candidates have been asked:

  • Explain the difference between Contract and Tort
  • Give three arguments for and against trial by jury
  • Have there been any commercial situations in the news recently that have caught your attention?
  • What steps have you taken to research becoming a solicitor?
  • Why do you want to be a solicitor?
  • Why Hogan Lovells?
  • Where else have you applied?

It is important to do plenty of research into the firm and to keep abreast of current affairs (particularly business), although you do not need to go into too much detail during your interview.

Try and identify key trends in current affairs before your interview and why they should interest you as a future commercial solicitor.

Some questions do require you to have some legal knowledge.

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