Fidelity Graduate Programme: Full Application Process

Fidelity Graduate Programme: Full Application Process

Updated 13 March 2021

As a company specialising in investments, Fidelity has a number of opportunities for both graduates and experienced professionals.

If you are looking to embark on a graduate programme, there are several areas where you can gain experience, including in operations, technology, business management, HR, sales and marketing.

The Fidelity Recruitment Process

By and large, the recruitment process is the same for all areas, except for the assessment centre, where the activities will vary according to which area you have applied for.

The recruitment process at Fidelity is thorough so that its recruiters can select high-calibre professionals who possess the knowledge, skills and areas of expertise to add value to the business.

The Fidelity recruitment process consists of a number of stages:

Online Application Form

The application form should be approached with extreme care, as it carries a lot of weight in the Fidelity recruitment process. The team responsible for assessing your application will review your answers and revisit them on several occasions through a number of application stages.

You should spend time preparing strong answers. Perhaps the most important section is the completion of specific competency-based questions which relate to particular programmes or roles. Answer each question as fully as possible, and clearly structure your answers using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

Aptitude Tests

The next stage of the application process consists of two online tests. The first test assesses numerical reasoning and the second test assesses logical reasoning.

Preparation beforehand is essential to ensure that your performance and scores are high enough to take you to the next step in the recruitment process.

Numerical Reasoning Test

There is a strong possibility that during the course of your work you will be expected to interpret financial and numerical data. The Fidelity numerical reasoning test will determine your suitability to work effectively with numbers, charts and graphs. The questions will typically be presented in a multiple-choice format. After reviewing and synthesising data provided, you will be required to select the correct option. Additionally, candidates have to complete some basic arithmetic calculations and work out currency conversions, ratios and percentages.

The test is completed under timed conditions, so you will be expected to demonstrate an ability to make calculations quickly and accurately. Preparing for the test by completing some online practice tests will allow you to move through the questions at a faster pace. There are a number of websites online that you can seek out to practice the tests for free, such as JobTestPrep, and it is strongly recommended that you do so.

Logical Reasoning Test

The second test you have to complete is the Fidelity logical reasoning test. Your results from this test will be used to assess how well you can identify patterns and solve complex problems. Candidates are usually presented with a sequence of shapes and either asked to identify a pattern or indicate the next pattern in the sequence. Logical reasoning tests are designed to be completed under pressure, and there is a short period of time for each question. It is recommended that you try to practise beforehand.

Telephone Interview

If you complete the numerical and logical reasoning tests to a sufficiently high standard, you will be invited to participate in a telephone interview. The interview usually lasts around 35 to 40 minutes and will be based on key competencies. Expect to be asked some basic competency-based questions.

Interview questions will typically explore your motivations for applying and your intentions for your career, both in the short term and the long term. The interviewer will also want to find out about your background, skills, expertise, and how your competencies match the vacancy or programme you have applied for.

Assessment Centre

Successful completion of the telephone interview will result in an invitation to attend the Fidelity assessment centre. The specific details of the activities vary according to the business area you have applied for. Candidates can expect to spend a full day at the centre.

Make the most of your time at the assessment centre. Its aim is not only to assess your suitability but to be your opportunity to meet the team and learn what it is like to work for the company.

The tasks you are expected to complete throughout the day will include:


Prior to the assessment day, Fidelity will often send candidates a presentation topic to research. On the day, the presentation is given in front of an interview panel, who will be looking to see how well you have researched the topic, and how able you are to convey key pieces of information. You should also demonstrate how the findings of your research have any potential implications on business and operations at Fidelity.

Group Exercises

The ability to work effectively as part of a team is essential in any workplace and a group exercise will assess your skills in working with others toward a shared objective. Be strategic in this exercise: too much involvement and you may come across as domineering, too little and you might show a lack of interest or unwillingness to participate. Try to strike a balance.

Case Studies

These are a great way to assess your ability to react to specific situations. During the case study activity, you will be presented with a scenario which relates to the role or programme you have applied for. You will then be asked to complete an activity relating to this scenario, such as solving a problem, resolving a complex customer query or devising a new procedure.

Competency-Based Interview

The final phase in the recruitment process at Fidelity is a competency-based face-to-face interview. Sometimes if you are applying for a specific vacancy rather than a graduate programme you may be asked to participate in a round of interviews, rather than just one. Recruiters and interviewers will have a profile of their ideal candidate, and will cross-reference your responses, qualities, skills and experiences to see if they fit the requirements. Demonstrate that you have really taken the time to research Fidelity, their products, the market in which they operate and their competitors.

Common questions in the Fidelity interview include:

  • Why you have chosen Fidelity, and the specific business area applied for?
  • Describe your most important skill for the role or programme you have applied to.
  • Provide an example of an occasion where you demonstrated strong communication skills.
  • Outline your leadership capabilities.

This list is by no means exhaustive as there are potentially hundreds of questions you could be asked. As long as you remember to relate your answer back to a practical work or academic example you should be able to deliver a strong answer. Draw on your key achievements, and try to outline the extent of your experience.