ExxonMobil Interview Questions

ExxonMobil Interview Questions

Updated 13 March 2021

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The interview and assessment process at ExxonMobil is as follows:

Telephone Interview

The ExxonMobil telephone interview is a competency based interview. The questions given can be quite complex, such as

  • Give an example of a time when you had an obstacle to overcome - how you did this?
  • Give me an example of a time when you used initiative?

The interview may last longer than 30 minutes.

Assessment Centre

The ExxonMobil assessment centre is 24 hours and includes an overnight stay. It begins at about 6pm in the evening, with dinner. The dinner consists of you and about 12 other candidates, with one or occasionally two ExxonMobile HR staff.

The following day, exercises will start at 9am. The day includes a:

During the case study, there will be lots of material to read and to take notes on (which will be taken and marked). After this, you will discuss the material and choose the options with the other candidates.

Teams will be of about six people. After drawing your conclusions you will have to give a presentation to the ExxonMobil HRs. Each candidate will need to present and each presentation lasts about 10 to 15 minutes.