Blackrock: Interview Questions & Application Process Tips

Blackrock: Interview Questions & Application Process Tips

Updated 13 March 2021

BlackRock is a corporation which specialises in asset management. It is one of the world’s largest companies in this sector, with over 70 offices situated throughout the world.

Their workforce is large and they have plenty of opportunities for graduates and interns.

The graduate scheme appoints 80 candidates every year and a further 80 are usually recruited into internship programmes.

Application Process

For both graduate roles and experienced hires, the BlackRock recruitment process consists of:

Each stage is designed to test and challenge your skills, knowledge and expertise.

Online Application Form

As with many popular companies, the application stage at BlackRock is designed to obtain as much information from you as possible, so recruiters and managers can make an informed decision as to whether you are suitable for the role you have applied for. In comparison to some other firms, the BlackRock application form is relatively straightforward. The form will ask you to complete your educational details and upload a copy of your CV and cover letter.

Don’t submit a generic cover letter; customise your letter to the role you are applying for and ensure that you do your research. The application will also include a number of competency-based questions, and this is your opportunity to show what skills you can bring to the role, and how you can add value.

Some of the competency questions might include:

  • Explain your reasons for choosing this business area.
  • Why do you want to join BlackRock?
  • Outline a position of responsibility that you have occupied, and explain your notable achievements.
  • Do you have anything further that you would like us to consider as part of your application?

The questions posed are your chance to illustrate that you are the right candidate for the post. Although there are no company-specific competencies that the recruitment team look for, you should incorporate the criteria that were listed in the job description and person specification. Throughout each of your answers, you should try to weave the criteria into your response; this not only illustrates the skills that you have but also demonstrates that you have done some research beforehand.

Successful completion of the application form will result in an invitation to the next step in the process: the numerical test.

Numerical Reasoning Test

SHL, the leading provider of aptitude tests, provide the numerical reasoning test for BlackRock. This specific test will establish your ability to accurately identify trends across a diverse range of numerical data, incorporating tables, graphs, spreadsheets, charts and other forms of statistical information. Applicants are required to carry out fast and accurate calculations to effectively analyse the information and answer the questions correctly.

The test needs to be completed in a period of 20 minutes, in which there are 20 questions to complete, so you need to allocate a minute or less to answer each question. Practising these tests via providers such as JobTestPrep is strongly advised, not only so you can familiarise yourself with the process but so that you can improve your speed and accuracy. Sitting the tests multiple times can help you refine your technique so that you can progress through each of the questions in good time during the actual test.

Assessment Centre

The structure of your day at the BlackRock assessment centre will vary in accordance with the role you are applying for, but it usually includes two interviews, a group exercise and a presentation (as well as a further numerical reasoning test, which is very similar to the previous assessment).

Although some of these activities will be very similar to those that you have already undertaken in previous stages, you may be asked slightly different questions or asked to elaborate on what you have already provided in previous answers.

Two Interviews

The first of the two interviews will focus on exploring your competencies and motivations. To succeed in this interview you will have to complete thorough research about the company, the role and the department to which you are applying. The second interview will ask you questions to find out about specific skills that you have and your capability of undertaking the role you have applied for. Candidates will be asked specific questions which relate to their application. In this second interview you need to be able to think quickly and provide strong answers.

Some of the common interview questions asked at BlackRock include:

  • How does BlackRock make its revenue?
  • Define the purpose of regression.
  • What do you think of iShares in relation to the wider market?

You need to have a good idea about the company and its operations to provide strong enough answers to the questions posed during the two interviews.

Group Exercise

As part of the assessment process you will have to complete a group exercise. In this activity you will be provided with a scenario or problem and then, working in a team, you will be expected to develop a solution. These tests are designed to assess how well you interact, collaborate and contribute in a team setting.

Success does not necessarily depend on whether a solution is reached, or on what the solution was. The recruitment team will be closely monitoring your contribution throughout, and will determine what role you assume and how you assist others in working toward the achievement of common objectives.


The assessment day will also require you to complete a presentation. Candidates are asked to analyse some information in line with a specific task, and then have to present the findings of their analysis to a team of company directors. An example of a presentation includes the allocation of a portfolio of items, whereby candidates were asked to present the most effective way of investing the stock. The presentation usually has to be around 10 minutes in length, which is then followed by a further 10 minute question-and-answer session.

Candidates should be prepared to justify what they have presented and answer questions based on the data they have collated. Deliver your presentation with confidence, communicate effectively with the panel and ensure that you present what you have been asked to present. Break down your information into small, succinct sections and ensure that you provide opportunities at the end for the panel to ask questions.

Preparation is the key to success in any recruitment process. Many companies are extremely competitive and BlackRock is no exception. Due to the volume of applications that BlackRock receives, its recruiters can choose to be very selective. You need to ensure that your application stands out from the rest, so draft your answers carefully, think about your responses and complete in-depth research before any interviews or assessment days.

The recruitment teams are very experienced in what they do, so they will be able to tell immediately whether you have completed the necessary preparatory work or not. In addition, to succeed in the BlackRock application process you will need to perform consistently well through each of the recruitment stages, from the initial application through to each activity in the assessment day.

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