Simmons & Simmons Application Process

Simmons & Simmons Application Process

Updated 13 March 2021

(see also Simmons & Simmons interview questions)

Training Contract

Applications for training contracts commencing September 2014/March 2015 should be made from 01 November 2011. Law undergraduates cannot apply for a training contract until their penultimate year, while non-law students must apply during their final year or later. However, the firm is happy to accept training contract applications from graduates, mature and international students and career changers.

Insight Workshop

Applications for the 2011/2012 winter insight workshops should be made from 01 October 2011. Insight workshops are aimed specifically at non-law students, and undergraduates usually apply in their penultimate or final year. However, Simmons & Simmons also offers places to graduates, mature and international students and career changers.

Vacation Scheme

Applications for the 2012 summer vacation scheme should be made from 01 November 2011. The vacation schemes at Simmons & Simmons are aimed at both law students and non-law students. Undergraduates usually apply for vacation schemes in their penultimate or final year. However, Simmons & Simmons are also happy to offer places to graduates, mature and international students and career changers.


All applicants should be submitted via an online application form which can be found here.

  • The deadline for training contract applications is 31 July 2012.
  • The deadline for vacation scheme applications is 31 January 2012.
  • The deadline for insight workshop applications is 15 November 2011.

Further Information

Now see - Simmons & Simmons Interview Questions.

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