Retail Banking

Retail Banking

Updated 13 March 2021

Retail banking refers to high-street banking, in which banks undergo transactions directly with consumers, rather than corporations or other banks.

What Do Retail Banks Do?

Retail bank's services include: taking care of money, transferring money between accounts, providing loans, foreign exchange services, savings, financial advice, insurance, mortgages, etc.

Graduate Jobs in Retail Banking

There are various career routes open to graduates in Retail Banking, such as:

  • Management/Branch management
  • Strategy and marketing
  • Credit and risk
  • Human resources
  • Operations management

Employers include UK clearing banks, building societies, foreign banks with a network of UK branches and finance houses.

Entry Requirements for Retail Banking

For most banks, you will need a 2.1/2.2 degree to apply for most positions. Although a degree in almost any discipline is accepted by retail banking recruiters for entry to graduate schemes, graduates with the following degrees may have an advantage:

  • Economics
  • Business Studies
  • Banking and finance
  • Financial services
  • Computing

Retail banking is a fundamentally customer-driven sector. Candidates with good quality communication skills tend to be highly regarded by potential employers.

Further Reading

See here for a list of the top 100 retail banks and building societies in the UK.

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