Cut-e Practice Test

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Cut-e Tests

Updated 13 March 2021

Cut-e Practice Test

Acquired by Aon in 2017, cut-e is a publisher of a range of psychometric and personality assessments.

Since the cut-e Aon acquisition, these assessments are sometimes referred to as Aon tests. However, a cut-e test is still the most popular term owing to its existing position and brand familiarity.

What Are Cut-e Tests?

Tests published by cut-e are designed to help employers identify suitable candidates by measuring their skills, aptitude and personality traits.

They are used in the screening stages of the recruitment process, allowing the hiring team to narrow down its pool of applicants with a series of relevant assessments. They are also often used for career progression, administered as part of internal recruitment.

You may be asked to sit a cut-e test for a range of employment opportunities, including those with many multinational corporations.

Cut-e is the chosen test publisher for big names including Deloitte, Vodafone, Burger King, o2 and EasyJet.

In most cases, cut-e will work with a particular employer to design an online assessment with the most appropriate tests for its recruitment needs. This may be a stand-alone assessment or a combination of the many tests it publishes.

Cut-e Test Types

A cut-e test typically falls into one of two categories:

Cut-e also designs and publishes industry-specific skills tests, which measure particular knowledge and capabilities. As these are both numerous and niche, they are not covered within this article.

The following describes each of the most commonly used cut-e tests in turn, including what it measures and sample questions.

Take a Cut-e Test

Cut-e TestsCut-e Tests

Cut-e Numerical Reasoning Test

Time limit: 12 minutes
Total number of questions: 37

Numerical reasoning tests measure your ability to draw sound conclusions based on statistical information. The cut-e version differs from other test types, in that it is formatted in tabs, each one containing separate data in the form of tables, charts and graphs.

You’ll be presented with a written statement and will need to locate the tab containing the relevant data. Once you’ve found the data, you’ll need to carry out a logical analysis to determine whether the given statement is true or false, or if there is insufficient evidence to state either way.

It’s important to note that all the information you need for a specific question will be contained within a single tab.

Example question:

Cut-e Numerical ReasoningCut-e Numerical Reasoning

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Cut-e Verbal Reasoning Test

Time limit: 12 minutes
Total number of questions: 49

In a verbal reasoning test, your critical thinking and language skills are being assessed. Again, in the cut-e test, you’ll be working with various tabs, each containing a passage of text on a particular topic.

You’ll be presented with a written statement and asked to evaluate its accuracy by stating 'true', 'false' or 'cannot say'.

To do so, you’ll need to navigate to a specific tab to find the information you need. Each question will relate to one topic only.

Verbal reasoning tests measure your ability to draw conclusions based solely on the information in front of you. It’s therefore important to be aware of any subconscious bias or pre-existing knowledge that may influence your judgment.

Example question:

In week 3, Elsie's spelling test results were better than Polly's.

a) True
b) False
c) Cannot Say

The candidate will have to choose the 'Test Results' tab to review the spelling test results. As there is no data for week three shown, we can not tell what the results in week 3 would be. Therefore, the correct answer is c) Cannot Say.

Cut-e Verbal ReasoningCut-e Verbal Reasoning

Post It uses three methods to communicate with its customers.

a) True
b) False
c) Cannot Say

The candidate will have to use the 'Customer Services' tab to find the information required. The text describes three main ways that the customer services teams at Post It communicate with customers. These are email, social media and telephone. Therefore, the correct answer is a) True.

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Cut-e Mechanical Reasoning Test

Time limit: 15 minutes
Total number of questions: 24

A mechanical reasoning test measures your understanding of physical principles with questions relating to levers, gears, force, pulleys, etc.

In each question on the cut-e test, you’ll be shown a graphic of a mechanical concept and three response statements. You’ll need to determine which response is correct based on the information contained within the graphic.

As these tests assess how well a candidate can apply physical principles, they are used for roles in industry, such as engineering and, of course, mechanics.

Example question:

Cut-e Mechanical ReasoningCut-e Mechanical Reasoning

Box A is heavier than Box B.

a) True
b) False
c) Cannot Say

This question requires you to notice the position of the see-saw rather than the size of the box. We can see that although Box B is smaller, it is pushing the see-saw down, so it is heaviest. Therefore, the correct answer is b) False.

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Cut-e Deductive Logic Test

Time limit: 6 minutes
Total number of questions: Unlimited

When it comes to deductive logic, the cut-e test is unique.

Whilst many deductive reasoning tests ask you to draw an evidence-based conclusion from verbal information, cut-e takes a gamified, visual approach.

A grid will appear on-screen, with some boxes blank and others containing shapes. One box will contain a question mark, and it’s your job to decipher which shape belongs in this box.

Each shape can only appear once in each row and each column, so there is only ever one correct answer.

You have six minutes to complete as many problems as possible. As you progress, the test will increase in difficulty, moving from 4x4 to 5x5 grids.

Once you submit your answer, you cannot go back and change it.

Example question:

Cut-e Deductive LogicCut-e Deductive Logic

This puzzle needs to be solved so that each row and column has one of each shape. The correct answer is A.

Cut-e Inductive Logic Test

Inductive logic is the ability to make assumptions based on what is in front of you.

This skill is most commonly measured through tasks involving relationships between shapes and patterns.

Cut-e has two main inductive logic tests:

Inductive Logic Option 1

Time limit: 12 minutes
Total number of questions: 12

You’ll be presented with a series of 10 tables containing numbers, figures or a combination of both.

Six of the tables are color-coded, indicating they belong to one of two sets. The remaining four tables are to be assigned to either set A or set B.

This is your task. You’ll need to look for rules and relationships in each set to assign the remaining tables to the right one.

Example question:

Identify the pattern and color-code the four answer squares appropriately.

Inductive LogicInductive Logic

The red circles indicate odd numbers and the blue circles indicate even numbers. The answer will look like this:

Inductive Logic AnswerInductive Logic Answer

Inductive Logic Option 2

Time limit: 5 minutes Total number of questions: 20

In this test, each question revolves around a series of nine images that form a sequence. One of these images will break the rule of this sequence and must be identified as the odd one out.

Example question:

Identify the odd one out.

Inductive Logic cut-eInductive Logic cut-e

Each square has either a heart, a cross or a quadrilateral, or a mixture of these. The odd one out is the third square which also has a circle.

Cut-e Personality Test

Time limit: N/A
Total number of questions: 100

Known as the ADEPT-15® Workstyles assessment, the cut-e personality test has no time limit, but you must work your way through all 100 questions.

On each page of the assessment, there will be five questions, or rather, five sets of two opposing statements, with a slider in between.

You’ll need to move the slider accordingly in relation to each set of statements to indicate your preference. You can select ‘agree’ or ‘slightly agree’ on either side, but you cannot leave the slider in the middle.

There is no skill being measured here. These tests are designed to establish a culture fit, and your responses will give employers a good idea of whether or not your personality is a good match for the company.

Take a Cut-e Test

Additional Cut-e Tests

Whilst we’ve covered the tests most commonly used as part of a standard recruitment process, cut-e also publishes several complimentary assessments that may be used in conjunction with those above.

These include:

  • Short-term memory test – Candidates have five minutes to complete 10 puzzles, memorizing and identifying a series of pictures.
  • Language skills test – A 10-minute assessment in which candidates complete tasks around spelling, definitions and sentence completion, commonly used alongside a verbal reasoning test.
  • Situational judgment test – Very much akin to a personality test, applicants are asked to pick their preferred course of action in a series of hypothetical work-based scenarios.

What to Expect When Taking a Cut-e Test

Regardless of which cut-e test you take, you can expect a very similar experience. All tests are administered online and can be taken anywhere you choose, and on any device, including mobile.

Except for its personality assessment, all cut-e tests are timed and are somewhat shorter than those designed by other test publishers, ranging from five to 15 minutes in duration.

Each cut-e test starts with an introductory video, which will walk you through the questions involved and how to answer them.

There is then an interactive session designed to get you used to using the interface. You’ll need to complete certain tasks to show you understand key actions before you can progress. You’ll then have the opportunity to work through one or two practice questions.

The introductory section and practice questions on a cut-e test are not included in your time limit, so use them wisely and get comfortable with the format before your test begins.

Once your test is launched, you’ll have the allotted time in which to complete as many questions as possible. A progress bar will show how far through the test you are, and you can move from question to question via a navigational menu.

This menu will also show you which questions you have completed, and which remain unanswered, so if you skip one, it’s easy to return at a later time.

You cannot stop or pause a cut-e test once you have started, so be prepared to complete it in one sitting. If you’re required to take more than one assessment, these can be done at separate intervals.

How Is a Cut-e Test Scored?

Scoring methods for cut-e tests can differ depending on the test type in question. Generally speaking though, ability tests – including those covered in this article – are all marked the same way.

You’ll be awarded one point for every correct answer and deducted one point for every incorrect answer.

Personality tests have a more complex scoring method because, technically, there are no right or wrong responses. How you score here will depend on the personality type the hiring company is looking for, and how closely your answers match that profile.

Your cut-e test results will be securely stored and sent to the hiring organization that requested the assessment. You will not receive instant feedback on how well you have performed.

There’s also no guarantee that your potential employer will share your cut-e test results with you. However, they should be readily available on request.

Tips for Taking a Cut-e Test

Practice Specifically for the Cut-e Style

Practice is vital to success in any psychometric test, but since it uses such a unique format, it’s important to use cut-e specific sample tests in your preparation.

Learning to navigate quickly through tabs for numerical and verbal reasoning and understanding the process of cut-e logic tests is half the battle.

Use a PC or Laptop

Despite the fact a cut-e test can be taken on a mobile device, it’s recommended that this is a last resort only.

By using a PC or laptop, you’re far less likely to encounter distractions, particularly compared to a phone.

Remember, you have a very strict time limit, so you need full concentration on the task at hand. Also, make sure your browser is up to date and that you’re running off a reliable internet connection.

Take It When You’re Most Alert

One of the major benefits of a cut-e test is that it can be taken at any time, provided it is completed before the deadline date.

Use this to your advantage by taking the test when you’re likely to perform at your best. Some people find it easier to concentrate first thing in the morning, others late at night. Decide what’s right for you and assign this time to your cut-e test.

Go Through the Test in Order

The navigational menu of the cut-e interface makes it easy to move from one question to another, whether you’ve completed it or not. However, it’s very much advised that you ignore this functionality, and move through the test as it is formatted.

Flicking back and forth will lead to confusion and eat into your short time frame. Only use the navigational menu to return to unanswered questions if you have spare time to complete them.

Cut-e Practice Test

Balance Speed and Accuracy

Cut-e tests are notoriously short, so it’s important to work quickly. However, this shouldn’t be to the detriment of your accuracy.

It is not a requirement that you complete every single question on your test, so aim for a good balance of speed and precision, answering as many questions as possible, but paying careful attention to the task at hand.

Final Thoughts

If you’re asked to take a cut-e test as part of an online assessment, it is likely because your prospective employer wants to ensure you have the right skills and abilities for the role before inviting you to interview.

Although aptitude tests typically rely on your inherent skills, rather than learned knowledge, it is still important to put in plenty of practice, particularly with a cut-e test as they have such a unique format, and a good performance is crucial if you want to stand shoulders above your competition.

Cut-e Practice Test