How to Write a Job Acceptance Letter

How to Write a Job Acceptance Letter

Updated 13 March 2021

A professionally written job acceptance letter is your first chance to demonstrate your your enthusiasm and gratitude for the new role you have just been offered.

This will probably be the first time you have communicated with your new boss since your interview. It is therefore important to send an appropriate letter, written to an acceptable standard, which makes a great impression.

By following a few simple steps, your acceptance letter can be written and sent quickly and easily.

Getting Started With Your Acceptance Letter

Before you begin writing, it is important to plan what you are going to say. This helps to keep everything clear and will make sure you don't miss out key details.

To help plan a basic outline, it is best to have ready:

  • The name of the company you are accepting the job from
  • The name of the person you will be addressing the letter to (normally the person who made the offer)
  • The business address
  • All your personal details
  • Your agreed start date
  • Your expectations for salary/holiday/company benefits

Most of this information will be contained in the original job offer, so it is a good idea to keep this on hand to refer to.

How Should You Send Your Job Acceptance Letter?

Nowadays, a formal acceptance letter can be sent by email, especially if the original offer was also made by email.

It may look more professional sent as an attachment, although it can also be sent in the body of the email.

Some people may prefer to send an email and mail a physical copy as well. If doing this, it is best to mention that in the body of the email, so the employer knows to expect your letter.

You may also wish to simply mail a physical copy of your acceptance letter. If using this option, it is important to check the print quality and use the appropriate format and correct postage.

What Information Should Be Included?

Subject Line

If sending an email, you will need to think of a subject line.

This should be clear and include your name, the position in question and the reason you are writing.

For example:

John Smith – Acceptance letter regarding Operations Scientists Manager role.

Main Letter

Next, you should thank the employer for the offer. This shows gratitude and is a positive way to open communication.

Following this, you need to state what you are accepting – This might include:

  • The job title you are accepting
  • Your agreed start date
  • Expectations around salary
  • Company benefits
  • Hours
  • Uniform

This is especially important in case there has been any misunderstanding around this.

You and your employer must be on the same page regarding the role before you start work so state everything clearly and factually, but politely.

You can also use this opportunity to reinforce why you are suitable for the role.

You could do this by briefly outlining your skills and experience, qualifications and mention your enthusiasm for starting work.

Sign Off

End the letter by thanking the employer once again, miss a line and write ‘Yours sincerely’ and sign underneath with your name.

You should use ‘Yours sincerely’ rather than ‘Yours faithfully’ because this acceptance letter will be addressed by name.

An example of the layout is detailed below, along with some sample text for you to refer to. See our article on how to format a business letter for general business letter formatting tips.

How to Write a Job Acceptance LetterHow to Write a Job Acceptance Letter

Sample Job Acceptance Letter Template

Your Name
Zip Code

Hiring Manager Name
Company Name
Street Address
Zip Code

Dear [NAME OF HIRING MANAGER (in Mrs/Ms/Mr and SURNAME format)],

Please accept this letter as my formal acceptance of [JOB TITLE] at [COMPANY NAME].

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for selecting me for the role. As previously discussed during the interview, the position will pay [SALARY] annually/per hour (delete as appropriate) and I can expect to work [X] hours per week with occasional overtime required. In addition, I look forward to [X AMOUNT] of annual leave, [INSERT HEALTH BENEFITS] and an overtime rate of [X] where applicable.

As agreed, I will commence the role on [INSERT DATE]. I understand the uniform is comprised of [X] and will be provided by the company/I understand the dress code is corporate/smart casual and I will dress appropriately (delete as appropriate).

I look forward to utilizing my years of experience as an [X]/my qualifications in [X] and my many skills within [X] and growing my career within the company.

Thank you once again for the opportunity that you have offered me. I look forward to becoming part of the team.

Yours sincerely,


In printed format, leave room to physically sign your letter before typing your name.

Tips for Success

The checklist provided above contains everything you need to write your letter. If you have included all this information, you most likely have a suitable job acceptance letter.

Once you have conquered the basics, here are a few other hints to keep in mind to help you stand out:


Use a standard font that is easy to read such as Arial, Helvetica or Verdana.

Avoid colored text, decorative fonts and do not use emojis. Remember, this is a formal business letter.


Keep the text clear and concise. State all the important information outlined above, be positive and enthusiastic but avoid rambling.

Only include relevant details. Short and simple is the style you are aiming for.


The tone of the letter should be formal. Therefore, it is best to avoid slang or being over-familiar.

Also, avoid contractions like ‘it’s’ or ‘you’re’ – write ‘it is’ or ‘you are’. This is more business-like.


Be brief, but ensure the essential details are there.

Most of it will be straight forward and factual. The only parts that require any expansion are towards the end when you mention your suitability for the role that is being offered.

In the sample text above this is a single line but may be longer should you have more to say.

Error Checks

Proofread your letter for spelling and grammar mistakes. Check to see if the text makes sense; it may help to read it out loud. Double-check you have the correct addressee and that you are spelling their name correctly.

Use technology to your benefit here – applications such as Microsoft Word highlight potential spelling and grammar errors and offer corrections, most smartphones check or autocorrect your spelling (although be careful it has autocorrected it to something suitable), a lot of email providers offer spell checking options, and there are many online dictionaries.

Final Thoughts

It is important that you submit a professional-looking job acceptance letter and that you include all of the important information that your new employer needs to see.

By producing a well-polished piece of writing, you will create a good second impression and remind your new employer why they had the confidence to hire you after your initial interview.

It also shows that you have the diligence to take time out of your day to thank them and acknowledge the job offer correctly.

By following the simple steps above and ensuring you have the correct details to hand, you can write and send your acceptance letter in less than an hour and impress your new employer with your professionalism and attention to detail.

After securing a new job, a great acceptance letter is the next step into your new career, so take the time to write it correctly. By taking just a small amount of your time to write well and edit thoroughly, you can create a positive and long-lasting impression with your new employer.

By Vicky Miller