How to Write a Cashier Resume

How to Write a Cashier Resume

Updated 13 March 2021

If you are applying for a job as a cashier, you probably already know that you need a suitable resume.

This is a written document that outlines any previous relevant experience and confirms your academic credentials.

Resumes are designed to help hiring managers to learn a little more about who you are as a person and why you are the best person for the job.

Writing a successful cashier resume can be tricky.

It may be tempting to simply list your previous employers because, after all, most cashier jobs are the same.

But what if we told you that they are not?

What if we told you that an effective cashier resume could help you stand out from other candidates and pinpoint you as management potential?

Regardless of whether you are working as a cashier for a weekend job whilst still in high school or as part of a career change, this is a job where you can build essential interpersonal skills.

What’s more, working as a cashier can be an effective way to learn about the retail sector ‘from the ground up’.

Large employers, such as Walmart, will look internally to see employees with the potential for promotion, giving numerous opportunities for career advancement.

With this in mind, it’s important to think about the best ways to write your cashier resume.

What Do Employers Look for in Cashier Resumes?

As an entry-level job, cashier roles are often competitive and highly sought after. This is because they often have specific shift patterns and can fit around your lifestyle, whether you are a high school student, a college graduate or raising a family.

Hiring managers will be scanning cashier resumes to check that they match the job description.

Check that you are using the same terminology on your resume that is used in the job advert.

This is because many employers (particularly national brands) will use applicant tracking systems to automatically filter through resumes.

By using the same jargon and phrasing, the filters will automatically detect that you match their job needs.

You will not need specific credentials to work as a cashier. But employers will want to see what hard and soft skills you have – particularly math capabilities, computer competency and customer service skills.

Can you manage basic math calculations? Are you able to work under pressure during time-intensive sales periods such as Black Friday? Can you diffuse tension if customers are unhappy about a particular price?

What Skills Should You Include?

You may be surprised to learn about the variety of skills that cashiers need.

Try to include as many as possible on your cashier resume, giving examples of where you’ve put these skills into practice.

You may wish to use bullet points to break up your skills into distinct subsections.

When listing your skills, try to put the most relevant at the top of the list – for example, math/computer skills will be highly sought-after.

Here are some examples:

Technical Skills

  • Proficient with specific point-of-sale (POS) equipment (if possible, try to name the software used)
  • Experienced in using debit/credit card machines and barcode systems.

You may not have any technical skills to start with – these are the areas where you can expect on-the-job training.

Personal Skills

  • Basic math skills
  • Computer literacy skills
  • Bilingual (name the languages you speak; for example, English and Spanish)
  • Can prioritize tasks and work well under pressure
  • Excellent communication skills – ideal for working with customers and colleagues
  • Excellent customer service – can remain calm even when customers are displeased
  • Flexible with working times
  • Positive attitude
  • Punctual
  • Reliable
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Trustworthy

Retail Sector-Specific Skills

  • Strong product knowledge
  • Understanding of audience demographics
  • Telephone/communication skills
  • Can resolve customer disputes

Of course, these are just a few of the skills required specifically for a job in retail.

How to Write a Cashier ResumeHow to Write a Cashier Resume

What to Include if You Have No Experience

There is a strong chance that you may not have any experience at all before applying for your first cashier job. This is because many high school students work in cashier roles to earn extra money outside of school.

If this is the case, you clearly won’t have any employment experience to include on your cashier resume.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t stand out from the crowd.

If you are writing your first-ever cashier resume, look at the job description and the list of skills (detailed above) and see if you can see any similarities between what the recruiter is looking for and your own skills.

These are the areas that you should highlight and reference within your resume.

In the absence of any employment history, you should focus on your specific skills and achievements, and make it clear that you are willing to learn.

Try to provide examples from your schooling where you’ve picked up relevant skills.

This could be through extracurricular activities or voluntary roles. It could even be through specific projects and assignments that you have completed.

If you have a specific interest or hobby that is relevant to the employer, then you should also reference this (for example, you are a musician and you are applying to work in a music shop).

Employers will often be less concerned with specific credentials and will be focusing more on attitudes and transferable skills.

If you can show yourself to be a fast learner and a hard worker, it will stand you in good stead.

How to Write Your Cashier Resume – a Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you’re aware of what skills to reference on your cashier resume, it's time to take an in-depth look at what to write.

Use this section for inspiration and to help you understand what areas to include, regardless of whether you are an experienced cashier or still in school.

Your Cashier Resume Format is Important

Resumes can be written in two distinct ways: chronological or functional.

If you are an experienced cashier, you should choose a chronological format.

This means that your previous employment history is at the top of the page, listed in date order with the most recent employer first.

You should include employment dates and a brief overview of the duties/achievements relevant to the job role for which you are applying.

If you are inexperienced, you should choose a functional format.

This is a skills-first approach. It focuses on your skills and attributes rather than specific work experience. It’s important to ensure that you only include relevant skills and that you can demonstrate your capability in your listed skills if you are invited to an interview.

List Your Contact Details in the Header

Employers will expect to have your contact details listed in the header section of your document. Make sure you detail your name, phone number, email address and LinkedIn account, if up to date.

If the employer is using an applicant tracking system, they will automatically input this data into their system.

Introduce Yourself in the Professional Summary

Your professional summary or resume objective is a statement of who you are. It’s a short paragraph (typically one to two sentences) that provides further information that isn’t necessarily included within your cashier resume.

You can emphasize any personal traits and reiterate that you have the skills that they are looking for. You could even use this to demonstrate any particular work-related achievements.

As a resume summary, your personal statement should entice the recruiter to continue reading.

For example:

Resourceful cashier with two years’ experience working in a busy supermarket helping over 80 customers per day. Skilled at providing high levels of customer service and proficient in using cash registers and maintaining inventory. Determined to provide a friendly smile and warm welcome to all customers.

Highlight Previous Employment and Relevant Work Experience

If you have a previous employment history, make sure you detail this in chronological order. The recruiter wants to see your most recent experience at the top of the page.

You should include any employment dates, job title and a breakdown of your key duties and responsibilities. If you have received recognition or feedback then you should include this.

To help your cashier resume sound impressive, try to use action verbs within your descriptions.

You should also use bullet points and formatted headings to reiterate any key areas of interest to the recruiter.

For example:

Employment History

Cashier, Walmart, New York City (June 2018 – September 2020)

Key Responsibilities

  • Greeted customers with a warm welcome upon arrival
  • Resolved customer concerns and queries
  • Helped to answer any questions and make product recommendations based on current retail promotions
  • Maintained cash registers and POS software, using checkout lane belts and chip-and-pin software to help transactions
  • Facilitated quick transactions by ringing up items and packing customer bags with care
  • Collaborated with other departments to stock shelves and undertake stock maintenance during quiet periods

Personal Achievements

  • Received a 93% customer satisfaction rating (August 2020)

Showcase Your Qualifications and Education

If you haven’t got any professional experience, you need to showcase your qualifications and education.

This is your opportunity to push your skills and attributes garnered outside of a work environment.

If you are applying for an entry-level cashier job, your qualifications/education section should be at the top of the page.

For example:


High School Diploma
New York City High School, New York City (Graduated 2019, GPA: 3.4/4.0)

Key Achievements

  • Proficient in advanced maths and computer literacy
  • Fluent in two languages (English and Spanish)
  • Perfect attendance record
  • Captain of the debate team (2017)
  • Founded the annual school charity drive, raising more than $1,500 for the local community center

Showcase Your Skills

If you are using a functional resume, you should list your key skills at the top of the page alongside your educational information.

You can choose to break these down into the distinct subsections that we mentioned earlier in this article.

For example:

Retail Skills

Proficient with cash registers and POS equipment | In-depth product knowledge

Personal Skills

Advanced math | Computer literacy | Bilingual (English and Spanish) | Excellent communication skills | Conflict resolution | Punctual and reliable | Trustworthy | Able to multi-task and prioritize workloads | Fast learner

Hobbies and Interests on Your Cashier Resume

You may be wondering if you should include your hobbies and interests on your cashier resume. The short answer is 'yes', but keep them short and interesting.

This can be a good idea if you are applying for a retail job within a niche sector outlet. Being able to show a personal connection and knowledge of a product type could be highly advantageous, especially if it’s a role where you may be expected to provide recommendations to customers and answer any queries.

You can provide a list of your main hobbies and interests at the bottom of your cashier resume. You never know, a shared interest may even break the ice with a hiring manager.

How to Make Your Cashier Resume Stand Out From the Crowd

Creating a memorable cashier resume is tricky – especially if you are writing your first-ever resume with little or no experience.

But it’s far from impossible.

Here are a few tips to help you look professional and catch a recruiter’s attention.

  • Make the most of action verbs. These inject energy into a sentence and add life to your content. Common action verbs to include in your cashier resume include: ‘greet’, ‘resolve’, ‘assist’, ‘recommend’, ‘facilitate’, ‘collaborate’ or ‘maintain’.
  • Stick to professional formatting. It may be tempting to use an unconventional resume template to catch a recruiter’s attention, but these are typically used in creative roles such as marketing or graphic design. A recruiter for a retail cashier will be looking for substance over style. They will expect a professional format, so stick to a traditional font and font size (such as Ariel 11pt). You can use MS Word’s resume template to help you format your cashier resume.
  • Stick closely to the job description. Pay close attention to what the recruiter is asking for. If they list specific skills or duties, try to replicate these (including specific phrasing) within your resume. It will help you to pass through any automated filters.
  • Pay close attention to any spelling errors or typos. Use spell check or tools such as Grammarly to ensure that your cashier resume is accurate and that there are no obvious errors.

Final Thoughts

By now, you should be much clearer about what to include in your cashier resume.

The most important thing to remember regarding entry-level jobs is that recruiters are drawn more to passion and interest than previous experience and/or qualifications.

If you can show that you are prepared to listen, to work hard and to learn quickly, the recruiter will have confidence that they are making the right hiring decision.

Once you have submitted your cashier resume and application, it’s time to start preparing for a potential interview.

If you’re unsure what to expect, why not take a look at our handy interview guide. It’s packed full of useful information to help you through every stage of your recruitment journey.

By Amy Dawson